[[''Design Fiction 1: Live Facial Recognition''|LFR1]]''Part 1''
Sam was a bit nervous. She thought it was important to join the March protesting the statues in George Square and hopefully draw people’s attention to the country’s colonial past. But now she was in the crowd, she was getting more concerned about rumours of a counter protest by groups like the Loyalist Defence League. She really didn’t want [[to get caught up|LFR2]] in any violence.
[[<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=14ug_IErk_LlMNzh4qPoN5bRDjtgisIJC" height="auto" width="100%">|LFR1 attribution]]As the crowd advanced down North Hanover Street, she watched the drones slowly track them, their whine overhead cutting through the deeper human hubbub. The drones picked out congestion points where people bunched together. They hovered and dipped, like dragonflies momentarily alighting, to scan people’s faces and make [[identification requests|LFR3]].
[[<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=14vez0u9WRvCrZKw71HU5NNDPc4F9yTOW" height="auto" width="100%">|LFR2 attribution]][[<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=15-D7iMRbuiVZbCCQPQrIKh1k-OCjNaKr" / height="auto" width="100%">|LFR3 attribution]]
As Sam squeezed in among the protestors approaching the Square, she could see she was going to have to pass under a drone, the black eye of its camera monitoring the crowd below. Before the protest, her mother had insisted that she update her biometric passport on her phone. She had made Sam agree to share her details with anyone doing security checks to keep her safe and out of trouble. [[This was a drone though|LFR4]], not a security guard or police officer. <p class="attribution">"<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=12135157">File:Glasgow@JamesWatt,PrinzAlbert,QueenVictoria,RobertPeel.jpg</a>" by <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Hajotthu">Hajotthu</a> is licensed under <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/?ref=openverse">CC BY 3.0 <img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/cc.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img><img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/by.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img></a>. </p>
[[Return|LFR1]]Image by <a href="https://pixabay.com/users/powie-1550508/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=1080844">Thomas Ehrhardt</a> from <a href="https://pixabay.com//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=1080844">Pixabay</a>
[[Return|LFR2]] <p class="attribution">"<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=71227427">File:Trump protest - George Square, Glasgow 13.jpg</a>" by <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Stinglehammer">Stinglehammer</a> is marked with <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.en?ref=openverse">CC0 1.0 <img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/cc.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img><img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/zero.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img></a>. </p>
[[Return|LFR3]]As the drone dipped towards her, Sam decided to follow her mother’s advice. She got out her phone and opened her Biometric Passport app. The screen flashed:
[[<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=15rQz68lVGD_P-5ySIuwiLSV_7wa26XzO" / height="auto" width="25%">|LFR4 attribution]]
Sam taps [['AGREE'|LFR5]] Handshake:
<p class="attribution">"<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=27480951">Handshake2</a>" by <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Wickey-nl">Wickey-nl</a> is licensed under <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/?ref=openverse">CC BY-SA 3.0 <img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/cc.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img><img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/by.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img><img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/sa.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img></a>. </p>
Image by <a href="https://pixabay.com/users/sphotoedit-6033059/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=5924223">sandeep darji</a> from <a href="https://pixabay.com//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=5924223">Pixabay</a>
[[Return|LFR4]]Sam continued to read:
<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=16-RQOhffZvU2VcxGxLIQaYtcJoz3vern" / height="auto" width="25%"
She looked up at the drone so it could get a good image of her face and eyes. [[Her phone beeped again.|LFR6]][[<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=163_cfp7DHowblvyHPlwInPZbGkwhukZU" / height="auto" width="25%">|LFR6 attribution]]
Sam put her phone back in her pocket and continued past the drone. Its attention moved to other people in the crowd; [[she had been marked as no longer of interest|LFR7]].Image of face by Vectonautaa on Freepik
[[Return|LFR6]]''Part 2''
<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=16UQt1x9cl_uMKkjnKd-AdzUkePDjMd5g" height="auto" width="100%">
The technician monitored the drones’ movement on the screen, flashing points on a map marking the edge of the crowd, slowly drifting to keep pace with the protest. These drones were relying on thermal sensors, finding the points where the heat of the crowd of people began to dissipate and then facing in with cameras turned [[towards the protestors|LFR8]]. The technician checked the live data feed being relayed and compared them to updates from the few officers on crowd control duty; the drones appeared to be operating effectively. The tech suspected the main protest would be relatively peaceful. The drones had yet to suggest any positive matches using facial [[recognition|LFR9]].
[[<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=13DOptvyE1hbi5NZON580IfsSX42nHeD5" width="100%">|LFR8 attribute]] <p class="attribution">"<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/41431665@N07/21786712320">COD Homeland Security Training Center Opening 2015 6</a>" by <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/41431665@N07">COD Newsroom</a> is licensed under <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/?ref=openverse">CC BY 2.0 <img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/cc.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img><img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/by.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img></a>. </p>
[[Return|LFR8]]Of greater concern were the counter protestors, more loosely grouped and travelling faster. The drones were using multiple sensors to combine thermal data with individual gait and movement tracking. Using this information, they were able to identify potential flare points and monitor the people who moved into these areas.
Given the watchlist’s focus on serious anti-social and violent behaviour, it seemed likely that they would find the people on the watchlist at these points; or at least those on the watchlist who might be about to commit further criminal acts.
“Targeted surveillance to find those most likely to re-offend”, the tech thought. [[This is what the drones offered|LFR10]].
The computer emits an alert. One of the drones has sent through a positive match.
[[<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1790OOHNfWVHJLSbTUFcbovqfJoqOjIst" width="100%">|LFR11]]
''Part 3''
Tom pulls the scarf further up his face. “Hands off our history!” he chants, joining in with the others as they march down the road. Tom hears a drone whir past overhead, swiftly overtaking them before keeping pace just ahead, its camera pointed in their direction. Someone in the group shouts ‘Don’t let it record you’, followed by ‘Scatter’. Tom doesn’t wait, haring off down a [[side alley|LF12]] away from the protest.
[[<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=14vez0u9WRvCrZKw71HU5NNDPc4F9yTOW" height="auto" width="100%">|LFR2 attribution]]He keeps running until he can’t hear the drone’s whine anymore. Out of breath, he stops at the corner of Bath Lane, and folds over with his hands on his knees. He hears heavy boots approaching and feels a sinking feeling in his stomach. He looks up at two police officers. He recognises one of the officers, who says, ‘Hello, Tom.’
The other officer points skywards, ‘Our drone has given us a positive match using Facial Recognition and tracked you using biometric gait data. We will now carry out an ID check to confirm your identity’.
Tom [[swears under his breath.|LFR13]]
[[<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=17DDoA8uODiCBr3CUokQplbwcEVZ7s7US" height="auto" width="100%">|LFR12 attribution]] <p class="attribution">"<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=12123244">Police in Glasgow</a>" by <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Postdlf">Postdlf</a> is licensed under <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/?ref=openverse">CC BY-SA 3.0 <img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/cc.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img><img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/by.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img><img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/sa.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img></a>. </p>
[[Return|LF12]]''Part 4''
<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=17HCMWMhpG70yx_EHG1odjb_Pr7VSnFOG" height="auto" width="100%">
After arresting Tom Pocock, the officers make their way back to the fringe of the protest. They are stopped on the way by a man accompanied by a child.
‘What the hell is going on? That drone almost took my head off!’
The officers attempt to placate the man: ‘We can assure you that the onboard camera and sensors would stop that happening.’
‘Cameras? Are you taking pictures of us? You can’t do that!’
‘They are following the [[protest, sir.|LFR14]]’
|==|‘And what if I wanted to join the protest? Seems like a good idea – but no way am I letting you record me and my child.’
‘We’re only checking faces against a watchlist, and that’s only people who have engaged in or are suspected of prior criminal activity. Anything else is deleted from the drones before it’s shared.’
‘Oh yeah, right. And they actually do that? And what if your little spies in the sky spot me dropping litter or something? Are they going to take my picture and issue a fine?’
‘As I said, we’re only focussed on a specific watchlist.’
The man glares at them before picking up his child and storming off. [[The officers watch him go.|DF2]] [[<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=17JsulysgXh12oKOufRGvtOrvJnPLOq0J" height="auto" width="100%">|ER2 attribution]]
The voice of the dispatcher comes in over the radio, ‘We’ve had another call about 49B John Street, Arbroath. Neighbours are concerned; some sort of disturbance inside but unable to provide much detail. Are you able to proceed to the address and investigate?’
Rory picks up the receiver, ‘Acknowledged. [[Will proceed.|ER2]]’
This wasn’t the first time the property had come up. Some of the locals had stopped Rory to grumble about it during his rounds. He’d seen it mentioned in a few reports as well: noise complaints mainly, people coming and going at strange hours, but nothing to move it up any priority lists.
[[<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=17HTFZJnlJE15BxavHqlYlKRkTFVmwOk5" height="auto" width="100%">|ER1 attribution]]
‘Maybe just migrant workers,’ Rory thinks.
He’d seen them up picking cockles at ungodly hours. Probably something not right though. He’d helped on a human trafficking raid not far away – dozens of people cramped into a small house, barely anyone speaking English.
‘Better to let the higher ups and Immigration sort it out’ he thinks.
He drives the short distance to the house and [[parks outside.|ER3]]|==
[[<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=17aIegrPNuMYITsfzoW96eLOhQqx6m_-T" height="auto" width="100%">|ER3 attribution]]
Rory can hear the shouting coming through the door. He bangs hard and calls, ‘Police. Could you open the door, please?’
The shouting quietens but soon starts up again, louder this time.
Rory tries again, ‘Police. Is everyone okay? If you don’t open the door, I will have to force my way in.’
This time the shouting continues unabated.
Rory [[pushes the door open.|ER4]]
<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=17ex0QwhAPeEWi9Dl8r75mQIkUJtClkkq" height="auto" width="100%">
The front room is a mess, mattresses on the floor and clothes piled and strewn in different spots.
He moves quickly, following the noise to the kitchen. Two men are arguing in a language Rory doesn’t understand.
The younger man looks on the verge of tears. He speaks: ‘Nhưng bố ơi, hôm nay con không muốn làm việc.’
The older man shouts, ‘Im lặng và làm như tôi nói ’ and waves a large kitchen knife, like a cleaver, in the air.
Rory yells ‘Drop the weapon! Drop the weapon!’ and instinctively [[reaches for his baton.|ER5]]
[[<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=17wv_QuoiSWWjkDvFkgSOJclKe5gQ6Q6_" height="auto" width="100%">|ER5 Attribution]]
[[<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=183cmbJgCDhyi4VdCB63l_xGCWVgISBjF" height="auto" width="100%">|ER5 Attribution]]
He hears a beep in his ear, followed by:
(text-colour:red)['Emotion Regulation System activated.'
'Stress indicator: heartrate at 1bps; above established base rate.'
'Advise: slow breathing; consider response and avoid immediate reaction.']
Rory exhales, adjusts the sensor strap on his chest and wills his heart rate to drop. As he pauses, the AI system continues:
(text-colour:red)['Prediction of engagement in process. Camera and Microphone Activated.’]
A red light on his body-worn camera flicks on, letting him know that it is recording. Following his training, he checks the camera’s line of sight, [[shifting to better capture|ER6]] the man wielding the knife.
|==| The man hesitates, then shouts, ‘ra khỏi nhà của chúng tôi !’
The AI system chimes in again:
(text-colour:red)['Voice detection. Language: unknown.'
'Tone suggests fear, undertone of anger.'
'Emotion prediction supported by facial movement.'
'Suggest de-escalation strategy?']
Rory mutters, ‘I’ve got this’ and puts away his baton.
The system ignores him or doesn’t hear him:
(text-colour:red)['Suggest maintain eye contact; maintain low speech volume and even prosody. [[Physical confrontation unnecessary.'|ER7]]]‘Please’, the younger man says, his voice heavily accented, ‘He doesn’t speak English.’
Rory waits for the AI system’s evaluation:
(text-colour:red)['Voice detection. Language: recognised.'
'Tone suggests sincerity; undertone of fear.'
'Emotion prediction supported by facial movement.']
Breathing slowly, Rory says: ‘Okay, okay. Ask him to drop the knife’ and mimes the action by lowering his hand to his side.
The younger man turns to face the older man but translation isn’t necessary. The older man seems to understand and slowly places the knife on the counter.
‘Right’, says Rory, ‘[[let’s get to the bottom of this.’|ER8]]
[[<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=186HuzPNYc15Vp5_4m68qLEHKDxtwnmSy" height="auto" width="100%">|ER7 Attribution]]|==
[[<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=18KPUVjbtavthDDZnpwUgVh8XF2VvhCj9" height="auto" width="100%">|ER8 Attribution]]
The younger man says he is called Aidan. Rory isn’t convinced that is his actual name but decides not to push until he has a better read on the situation. They move to the front room. Aidan attempts to clear some space before squatting down. The older man sits on a chair, ignoring the clothes already lying on it. He stares at the officer. Rory decides to leave the AI system running.
‘Are you okay?’ Rory asks.
‘Fine, fine’ replies Aidan.
The AI system chips in:
(text-colour:red)['More data needed; suggest you engage in further dialogue.']
Rory [[rolls his eyes.|ER9]]
[[<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=18BCEyPJ80zT-Rr9wIDsUHCQ0P08V5NKZ" height="auto" width="100%">|ER9 Attribution]]
‘Can you tell me what’s going on here?’
Aidan doesn’t make eye contact.
‘Please, my father and I. We just arrived.’ The young man pauses. ‘Here to work. We’re cooks.’
In his earpiece, he hears:
(text-colour:red)['Voice detection. Language: recognised.'
'Tone suggests uncertainty; undertone of fear.'
'Emotion prediction (fear) supported by facial movement.']
Rory decides to probe further ‘And that’s your father, is it? With the massive knife?’
‘Yes. It’s fine really.’ Aidan glances across at the old man.
Again, Rory isn’t sure [[whether|ER10]] to believe him or not.
|==|The flat voice of the AI system chimes in again:
(text-colour:red)['Confirmed prediction.'
'Tone suggests anxiety; potential fear of topic.'
'Facial movement plus eye tracking support prediction.'
'Suggest remove subject from source of anxiety.']
Rory adjusts his body camera so it is directed at the older man.
(text-colour:red)['New Face detected.'
'Emotion prediction: anger; Emotion prediction: hostility.']
That [[swayed it for Rory.|ER11]] [[''Design Fiction 2: Emotional AI''|ER1]]Double-click this passage to edit it.
Photo by Steve Straiton
[[Return|ER1]] <p class="attribution">"<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/60006733@N05/14503595515">Arbroath Harbour</a>" by <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/60006733@N05">dun_deagh</a> is licensed under <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/?ref=openverse">CC BY-SA 2.0 <img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/cc.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img><img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/by.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img><img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/sa.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img></a>. </p>
[[Return|ER2]] <p class="attribution">"<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/30218049@N00/16895577597">Little door, big door - New Town, Edinburgh. #scotland #edinburgh #newtown #britisharchitecture #architecture #doors #door #doorsonly #doorsofdistinction #doorsworldwide #doorsandwindows #doorsgalore #doorsaroundtheworld #doorsofinstagram #doorsgraphy #do</a>" by <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/30218049@N00">Wiebke</a> is licensed under <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/?ref=openverse">CC BY 2.0 <img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/cc.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img><img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/by.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img></a>. </p>
[[Return|ER3]]<p class="attribution">"<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/61718807@N07/14791866078">West Midlands Police - Day 210</a>" by <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/61718807@N07">West Midlands Police</a> is licensed under <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/?ref=openverse">CC BY-SA 2.0 <img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/cc.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img><img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/by.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img><img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/sa.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img></a>. </p>
Image cropped
[[Return|ER5]]Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@shotgram?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">SHOT</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/photos/UsZNiW6LyQ0?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@trausuanho?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Vinh Thang</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/photos/IZ5ck3REQKM?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
[[Return|ER8]]Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@trausuanho?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Vinh Thang</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/photos/fp-mEWImge8?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
[[Return|ER9]]Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@kahar?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Kahar Erbol</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/photos/ifl-af6d_0c?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
[[''Design Fiction 3: DNA Phenotyping''|DPH1]]|==
[[<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=18Tz-0fEUDrOfnABAeHbHoY5mk9R2OWkz" height="auto" width="100%">|ER11 Attribution]]
‘Look, I think something dodgy is going on here. Either you both come to the station with me voluntarily so we can clear this up, or I’m going to arrest him for threatening with an offensive weapon.’
‘But we’re just here to work’ says Aidan.
The old man’s expression is [[unreadable|DF3]] to Rory.
<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=18YNR-jDqOm81zcomHmSZsZwtV5s1Pzzd" height="auto" width="100%">
The lab technician hands out the folders to the Operation Hiker task force. His colleagues in the lab call it “Operation Lost and Found” as most of the DNA they were processing was for missing person investigations. They’d had a steady flow of samples from new and cold cases over the past month. This was an opportunity to discuss results and for iD-NA Systems to cement the use of their ‘DNA-to-Face’ process in police investigations.
His boss, the head of the lab, thanks the tech and asks him to quickly describe their process for any members of the task force less familiar with [[DNA phenotyping|DPH2]]. Nervously, the technician explains:
“Well, essentially, using tissue samples like blood, skin, or hair, we extract and sequence a person’s DNA. This gives us details about the individual’s phenotypes, or observable traits. At the moment we’re focussing on physical characteristics. So, from a DNA sample, we can make inferences about a person’s age; hair and skin pigmentation; hair structure; face structure; as well as details about their facial features.
“We then use our own AI-Sketcher software which takes the phenotype information and generates a forensic profile portrait of the individual.
“We’re also exploring behavioural phenotypes which might be better to talk through in relation to a specific case.”
The tech looks back to his boss for confirmation, [[who nods.|DPH3]] A police detective says, “Okay, let’s start with a basic one. I think everyone has heard of the recent rescue of Freya Getting? Went missing in the Highlands; a vulnerable teenager with mental health issues. Obviously, no cameras in the area, no witnesses came forward. We were relying on the Drone Team to find a lead. Fortunately, [[they recovered|DPH4]] a hat with skin and hair cells. |==
<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=198K8gPzbhdQXrdvPWTEC-v1qVh3I4LhW" height="auto" width="100%">
"The DNA phenotyping predicted that the hat belonged to a young woman with matching ‘phenotypes’ as Freya: blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin tone, for example. Basically, of Northern European descent. This meant we could really narrow our search area.
"A day later, we’ve found her; broken ankle, dehydrated, shaken up, but alive. Could have been a different story if she’d been out there any longer. Saved us a lot of staff and officer [[time too.|DPH5]]"
|==|The lab technician adds, ‘And that’s the basic functionality of our DNA-to-Face process. It only required a few characteristics to categorise the person and confirm to the Drone and Forensic teams that they were on the right track. We could do this at scale to generate profile images from samples…’
A Missing Persons Co-ordinator, looking less than convinced, cuts in: ‘Well, there are quite a lot of blonde-haired teenagers in Scotland. What if it had been a false lead?’
The head of the lab responds: ‘[[Maybe we should look|DPH6]] at the Stephens case?’The co-ordinator’s expression doesn’t change. ‘Sure, I’ll take this one. My team has been exploring using this technology to help with our long-term missing persons list. This is another missing teenager case, but way back in the 90s. Ron Stephens, 14, went missing from his family home outside of Kinbrace in 1993.
[[<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=19A8uAvHbeCzwvxuwgUba-bi09y7Otjy8" height="auto" width="100%">|DPH6 attribution]]
‘There were a few call ins from the public - he was spotted hitch hiking, and walking along the coast - and then some sightings around Thurso in the company of an older man. All the papers said he must have been abducted, although suicide, unfortunately, is a possible outcome in my view.
DNA testing was just taking off, so the forensics team at the time were able to collect and store samples from his family home. We asked them to [[supply these to the lab|DPH7]] to see if they could update the images we have.’|==
<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1A4NXilK-GYKdfrOwg_3TV_HibJCQ8ocI" height="auto" width="100%">
The lab technician holds up the file: “We were able to analyse the phenotypes and use the the AI-sketcher to produce the following image of Ron, now in his mid-forties. Note, for example, the high probability for male pattern baldness. We think this is a great candidate to share with the media before rolling out the images from other cold cases.”
The co-ordinator says, “Yes, well, couple of issues I’d like to address. Firstly, he’s a missing person not a criminal. This looks a bit like a mug shot. Secondly, I think we’ll be inundated with false identifications. The image looks great, almost like a photo, but does it really distinguish Ron? [[It’s a bit generic.|DPH8]]”
|==| <p class="attribution">"<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/43133911@N02/6110887024">2010-07-08 033 Kinbrace</a>" by <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/43133911@N02">martyn jenkins</a> is licensed under <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/?ref=openverse">CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 <img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/cc.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img><img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/by.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img><img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/nc.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img><img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/sa.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img></a>. </p>
[[Return|DPH6]] Looking to change the topic, the lab tech says, “We also have behavioural phenotypes that might be of use. We think there is a probability of mental health issues, potentially bipolar disorder. You could focus the search through health support services.”
The co-ordinator shrugs, “Well a high percentage of missing people have mental health issues, whether diagnosed or not. This is taken into account in our search protocols. That does beg another question though: do you think Ron would have wanted us to know and share his health issues? What consent mechanisms do we have to have in place? I know some of our community partners will be [[asking these questions.|DPH9]]”
[[<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1A_6U_FgowWqEwoXjql6G0_GPYPEcyLzO" height="auto" width="100%">|DPH9 Attribution]]
Irritated, the lab tech says “Okay, well how about for instances where we know a serious crime has taken place?”
The police detective holds up a file and says “Yes, it’s hard to argue with this case. Violent assault of a hiker in the Cairngorms. The victim took a blow to the back of the head and couldn’t provide any details. However, Forensics found DNA samples from the suspected assailant. No record of the individual on any our databases but the lab was able to produce an image, which we ran through our facial recognition system. Bingo: Finn McLeod, 58. [[We have our suspect.|DPH10]]’
|==|The lab tech says, ‘Obviously, we can’t account for every environmental impact, but it’s a good likeness we think…’
The Missing Person’s co-ordinator interrupts: ‘But you haven’t found him yet?’
He points at the AI-generated image: ‘How confident are you that that's an accurate representation? What if it gives us a false match? We could spend a lot of time chasing after the wrong person.’
The detective adds, ‘Thinking about it, what if the person deliberately changes their appearance? Obviously, criminals don’t want to be found.’
The task force continue to discuss the [[different case files.|End]] [[Start again?|DF1]] <p class="attribution">"<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/8798099@N02/4964161445">International Redhead Day 2010 - Internationale Roodharigen Dag 2010, Breda</a>" by <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/8798099@N02">Qsimple, Memories For The Future Photography</a> is licensed under <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/?ref=openverse">CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 <img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/cc.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img><img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/by.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img><img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/nc.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img><img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/sa.svg" style="height: 1em; margin-right: 0.125em; display: inline;"></img></a>. </p>